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Interview with Sarah Cardwell

Due to to COVID-19 it has been difficult to conduct interviews however I was able to find out and get information different people as well as their opinions on how sports and more specifically squash has impacted peoples lives. Interviewing Sarah Cardwell gave me great insight in my quest for beliefs and values.

For her interview I asked her nine questions which I felt best helped me gain perspective.

1. Are you related to sports or squash is anyway. If yes then please answer how?

Yes, Sarah has been a player for many years. More specifically she is a PSA (professional Squash Association) player.

2. How long have you been in sports?

Since Sarah was a child in various sports, squash since she could hold a racket!

3. In your opinion do you believe that squash has impacted your life, for example the way you think, how you react to situations inside and outside the game? And how?

Yes. Sarah believes it showed her other cultures and has taught her discipline and awareness that her friends (who didn’t play sport or travel) didn’t seem to have at a younger age.

4. Similar to the previous question: From playing squash has your beliefs changed and how?

I think from experiencing other countries lifestyles and hearing about other peoples religions and perspectives stopped me from being narrow minded. It’s easy to think your country is basically the entire world until you actually experience other environments with your own eyes and ears.

5. Have you learnt any valuable lessons from playing the game and how have they helped you in your everyday life?

Sarah has learnt how to prioritise and put things in perspective in her life because of squash, and through winning and losing matches she has learnt a lot about her character and the character of others.

6. How has sports influenced and impacted your life?

Sports have given Sarah the opportunity to travel and have a far broader outlook on the world than if she had just stayed in her "Australian bubble". The main traits she has gained are discipline and will power.

7. Has there been a valuable experience in sport that has impacted your identity and relationships inside and outside the sport?

Yes, Sarah feels like she can judge people’s character better than her friends who haven’t travelled or experienced anything outside of their comfort zone, as she recognise good and bad character traits in people from experiencing peoples highs and lows in sport.

8. With COVID-19 affecting everyone, has it impacted sports by being at home and how has it changed life for you in playing or training?

Sarah had to be medicated for depression about half way through our stage 4 lockdown in July as she was in the strictest lockdown in the world while it felt like the world was opening up. She says that she lucky now that she's in another state in Australia and able to train and hopefully compete, and so far our numbers are much lower than other countries so her entire life has picked up just by being able to play squash again.

9. Any valuable advice to help and encourage people or players?

The most important thing is to have fun, if you win, it’s a bonus.

Thank you so much Sarah for helping me in my project, I really appreciate it, it helped me greatly in my project and love for the game!

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