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Interview with Nilo Vidal

Due to to COVID-19 it has been difficult to conduct interviews however I was able to find out and get information different people as well as their opinions on how sports and more specifically squash has impacted peoples lives. Interviewing Nilo Vidal gave me great insight in my quest for beliefs and values.

For his interview I asked him nine questions which I felt best helped me gain perspective.

1. Are you related to sports or squash is anyway. If yes then please answer how?

Nilo is very 'sporty', the PSA is his highest point. Along with squash he practise different sports while doing physical training, also follows almost all of the sports because of hobbies and interests.

2. How long have you been in sports?

Since Nilo was a child he has been in sport.

3. In your opinion do you believe that squash has impacted your life, for example the way you think, how you react to situations inside and outside the game? And how?

Yes, he definitely believes that squash has changed his life! He is dedicated professionally to squash so for sure it has impacted his life in a good way! Squash gives you fun, gives people mental strength, physical condition and many more skills.

4. Similar to the previous question: From playing squash has your beliefs changed and how?

Playing squash changed everything and he believes that everything is possible. He has been training alone for a long long time on court and doing solo practise and physical training. There were moments of thinking that's a bit frustrating, but working hard helped to win.

5. Have you learnt any valuable lessons from playing the game and how have they helped you in your everyday life?

Being humble. People think you are the best because you are the National champion but then you start playing international and you find there are a lot like you or better and that takes a lot of work.

6. How has sports influenced and impacted your life?

According to Nilo squash and sport has always been his life.

7. Has there been a valuable experience in sport that has impacted your identity and relationships inside and outside the sport?

His friends from different countries, it's a super experience, so much culture! Like for example his "non Blood brother" from Malaysia.

8. With COVID-19 affecting everyone, has it impacted sports by being at home and how has it changed life for you in playing or training?

As his mum is his physical coach he had no problems about that, he came stronger after lockdown! But yes, on court was harder as he was in the parking hitting some walls. But that made him stronger!

9. Any valuable advice to help and encourage people or players?

As said before, everything is possible. 2020 was not a year to forget, was a year to remember. We are stronger now! Keep this on mind!

Thank you so much Nilo for helping me in my project, I really appreciate it, it helped me greatly in my project and love for the game!

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