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Who Am I?

Hello everyone! My name is Tia!

The last few months has been a complete whirl wind through out the whole set up of this project and I am so excited to get to know people as well as explore and understand people and their beliefs and values.

So, who am I?

My name is Tia and I’m currently based in Dubai and study as a student in Dubai International Academy. Dubai International Academy is an IB school and during year 11, I have to do a personal project related to something that I have a passion about and my passion is sport and more specifically squash. For around 5 years now I have been training to be a competitive squash player (the story of my squash journey is long and is another post, so please check it out) I have been extremely interested in the ins and outs of the games for years and through being guided by many different people I learnt and understood the game and the way its played. When picking a topic related to sport for a project most people would talk about how the sport has been played or how the sport has impacted the world and I will explain that but I wanted to go in a different route. For my project I not only wanted to talk about the game but I wanted to have more of a focus on the people who play the sport and I wanted to know how the sport has impacted them (their identities and relationships) and their beliefs and values. I am so grateful to have gained so much valuable experience during this project and can't wait for people to meet these amazing people.


I plan on posting blogs a with either my experience of other peoples experience so that people can get to know these amazing people and there is a way for me to share some stories might help or inspire people in any way. I, like many others, have learned a lot from making mistakes,and am lucky enough to learn from a few experts along the way.

Please feel free to check out the other posts and give feedback or ask questions.

Thank you, Tia!

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